AmCham's Positions
AmCham Poland’s statements submitted to the public officials and public sector entities in the consultations on draft bills or during the legislative process, or transmitted to the policy makers outside the legislative process to present our member companies position on an issue included to AmCham Poland’s advocacy agenda.
11 października 2024
AmCham Poland’s involvement in U.S. – Poland Economic and Commercial Dialogue
12 lipca 2023
Changes to the Pharmaceutical Law and threats to the pharmacy market in Poland
AmCham’s position paper on the proposed changes in pharmaceutical law
6 czerwca 2023
AmCham members’ postulates in the context of the upcoming parliamentary elections in Poland
Postulates aimed at further development of the Polish economy
5 czerwca 2023
World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23)
AmCham Position Paper on WRC- 23
11 maja 2023
AmCham’s position on the draft act amending the Road Traffic Act
Amendment to the Road Traffic Act aimed at increasing safety on the passenger transport market
26 marca 2023
AmCham’s activities related to the implementation of the ECN+ Directive (changes in the competition law)
AmCham position paper on the changes in the competition law
2 marca 2023
Joint appeal of business organizations to support the development of green energy in Poland
Lifting the distance limitation for onshore wind turbines to 500 meters
13 lutego 2023
AmCham’s actions update on the introduction of the deposit system in Poland
AmCham’s position paper on accelerating the works on the introduction of the deposit system in Poland
27 grudnia 2022
Law of Electronic Communications
AmCham is working on a position paper for public consultation for the Law of the Electronic Communications draft. We invite you to provide comments on the project by January 4, 2023
1 grudnia 2022
AmCham postulates and recommendations after the Energy Day Forum
AmCham letter to public sector representatives after the Energy Day Forum
15 listopada 2022
Amendment of Trade Union Act
AmCham position paper on Amendment of Trade Union Act
2 listopada 2022
Amendment of the Sugar Tax
AmCham position paper on the amendment of the Sugar Tax
11 października 2022
AmCham letter on the improvement of checks and border crossings on the border of Poland and Ukraine
AmCham postulates aimed at increasing the transport potential of Polish and Ukrainian border crossings, and shortening the time of border control.
4 października 2022
Windfall Tax
AmCham position paper regarding the plans of introducing the Windfall Tax in Poland and planned next steps
25 lipca 2022
Implementation of the Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market to the Polish legal system
AmCham member companies’ comments on the Implementation of the Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market to the Polish legal system
21 lipca 2022
Amendment to the Corporate Income Tax
IGCC position paper on the Amendment to the Corporate Income Tax
23 września 2021
AmCham Position Paper on the proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
AmCham Position Paper on the
18 sierpnia 2021
AmCham letter to the Prime Minister, Mr. Mateusz Morawiecki on TVN / Discovery issue
TVN / Discovery issue
12 lipca 2021
AmCham statement on TVN / Discovery issue
AmCham statement to Mr. Jarosław Gowin, Deputy Prime Minister
3 czerwca 2021
AmCham Position Paper on the draft act amending the act on investments in wind farms and certain other acts
AmCham Position Paper on the draft act amending the act on investments in wind farms and certain other acts
22 kwietnia 2021
The common position of several International Chambers of Commerce in Poland regarding the Compensation Fund
The common position of several International Chambers of Commerce in Poland regarding the Compensation Fund
21 kwietnia 2021
AmCham’s position paper on remote work provisions to the Labor code
AmCham’s position paper on remote work provisions to the Labor code
15 kwietnia 2021
AmCham inquiry on the Polish Government’s position concerning the withdrawal of SF6 from use in electrical equipment
AmCham inquiry on the Polish Government’s position concerning the withdrawal of SF6 from use in electrical equipment
31 marca 2021
AmCham’s position paper on the National Reconstruction Plan
AmCham’s position paper on the National Reconstruction Plan
22 czerwca 2020
U.S. investors excluded from the FDI screening regulation
The Polish Parliament passed the FDI screening regulation
18 czerwca 2020
Amcham Poland’s Initiative for the Aviation Sector
AmCham presented its position paper to assure coming back on the fast-track of developing the aviation sector in Poland
25 maja 2020
Legislation introducing FDI screening in Poland
AmCham presented its position paper on the amendments to the Act on the control of certain investments
11 maja 2020
AmCham’s position paper on the VOD tax
AmCham’s position paper on the VOD tax
7 maja 2020
New foreign investment restrictions
AmCham’s focuses its advocacy work on changes to the law on control of certain investment
27 kwietnia 2020
AmCham’s recommendations to Deputy Prime Minister Jadwiga Emilewicz
Need for a bigger focus on foreign investors
31 marca 2020
Update on Anti-Crisis Shield
On Tuesday, March 31 2020, the Sejm of the Republic of Poland passed the Anti-Crisis Shield – a package of law that aims at limiting the negative effects of the coronavirus pandemic and is valued at PLN 212 billion. President of Poland Andrzej Duda has signed the act the same day and most of the regulations have already entered into force on April 1, 2020
18 marca 2020
Outline of Anti-Crisis Shield
Anti-Crisis Shield announced to limit the negative effects of the pandemic
12 marca 2020
State of epidemiological emergency and legislative changes to help fight the effects of the coronavirus
Special laws to help fight the effects of the coronavirus
19 lutego 2020
AmCham’s position paper on the law imposing the sugar tax February 20, 2020
AmCham’s position paper on the law imposing the sugar tax February 20, 2020
11 listopada 2019
AmCham’s position paper on the OECD’s changes to international tax rules, November 12, 2019
AmCham’s position paper on the OECD’s changes to international tax rules_November 12,2019