Three Seas Initiative. AmCham Poland signs Declaration of Support.

On Thursday, July 8, 2021, ten regional AmChams have signed a declaration supporting the future development of the Three Seas Initiative in Sofia, Bulgaria.

This initiative is in place to develop a comprehensive economic growth strategy through a smart connectivity ecosystem for a sustainable transition, infrastructure priorities for the region such as renewables as a driver for infrastructure advancement, and many more points related to energy, innovation, transport, and digitization.

The support from AmChams is to bridge the gap between the business community and the decision-makers in the public sector to ensure investors build the necessary trust to invest in the regional projects. The declaration signed on July 8 in Sofia, Bulgaria, during the Three Seas Summit and Business Forum, is there to build a vaster interest among investors in our region to increase our energy security, smart connectivity and achieve climate goals.

During the event, AmCham Poland’s Chairman, Tony Housh, said, “American investment plays a key role in delivering the benefits of the Three Seas Initiative. Great to be in Sofia with many committed to free markets and the equal treatment of investors.”

Our Chairman was in the presence of a group of AmCham of Europe (ACE) representatives, incl. Ms. Ajša Vodnik, CEO, AmCham Slovenia, Vice-Chair, AmChams in Europe; Ms. Maja Filipcheva, President, AmCham North Macedonia; Mr. Jordan Dimitrovski, Board Member, AmCham North Macedonia; Petar T. Ivanov, CEO, AmCham Bulgaria; and Olivier Marquette, President AmCham Bulgaria.

2021 AmCham 3Seas Sofia Declaration