Jolanta JaworskaGovernment & Regulatory Affairs Director
IBM Poland

Responsible for cooperation with public administration, academia, business and non-governmental organizations in the field of policy, digital innovation strategy & development, employment & skills development, ESG, investment conditions and, most recently, aid for Ukraine, refugees and support for the Ukrainian government in the areas of critical digital infrastructure and cybersecurity. An expert in building an environment for developing innovative investments, digital transformation projects, leadership and employee management. Co-author of many significant IBM investments in Poland – BPO in Krakow, R&D Software Laboratory in Krakow , IT Delivery Centers with Cyber Security Operations Center in Wroclaw and IBM Quantum Innovation hub in Poznan. Coordinator and co-author of many educational programs for the development of digital skills and cooperation between business and the academic/scientific community, local government and NGOs.
President of ICT Employers Assiociation (ZPTC Lewiatan) and Confederation Lewiatan Board Member , VP Public Affairs in Polish Association of Business Service Leaders (ABSL), Member of the Digitization Council to the Ministry of Digitial Affairs
A graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics and Henley Management College in Great Britain.