Results of AmCham Survey: Business in times of pandemic

AmCham presents the results of survey conducted among its Members after the first Anti-Crisis Shield.

The main conclusions are:

  • Most companies indicate that the crisis strongly affects their daily business operations.

  • The lockdown forces almost all companies to modify their plans.

  •  More than half of respondents expect redundancies in coming months and later this year.

  • Two-thirds of respondents expect a turnover decrease.

  •  Half of the respondents expects significant cost cutting and decrease of expenditures.

  • Companies are happy to accept any employment cost solutions, as personnel costs, is the most problematic now.

  • The first Anti-Crisis Shield solutions miss the mark for large firms, and those in labor intensive services (other service sectors).

  • The industrial manufacturing sector and large firms are particularly worried about their current as well as future business status.

  • Manufacturing firms will change their business plans the most.

  •  The lockdown will have no influence on plans for over one third of firms operating in services.

  •  The increase in employment is indicated in the IT sector (from 10 to 30%) this year.


View full results herefull survey results 


We thank the respondents for their participation and valuable insights.