Future of Skills (October 16, 2018

Technological innovations are radically transforming business in all sectors. Artificial Intelligence is no longer a futuristic vision, it’s here now – in the form of software that senses our needs, supply chains that “think” in real time and robots that respond to changes in our environment. Businesses that understand how to harness AI and human skills at the same time can lead ahead, those who neglect it will fall behind. What side of history will your company be on?

On October 16, AmCham HR Committee organized a meeting on the Future of Skills with speakers from our member companies: Ms. Lisa Glassner, Regional VP EMEA, Global Client Collaboration at Steelcase and Mr. Jan Banasikowski, Advisory & Transactions Services at CBRE. We based our discussion around the main conclusions from the Mercer report on the future of skills and explored how various factors such as culture, leadership, learning and physical workplace can prepare your organization for the future. We also discussed the impact of the technological revolution on the labor market and the lifestyles of the new generation of employees, including wellness issues, work-life balance and training