The EU Pay Transparency Directive: What can employers do now to prepare for implementation in 2026?

Start: 2024-06-11 09:30
End: 2024-06-11 10:30
AmCham Boardroom and online
Spektrum, ul. Twarda 18, 16th floor

What can employers do now to get ready for the implementation of the EU Transparency Directive in 2026? We discussed these issues on June 11th, 2024, at the HR Committee meeting with our speakers Marcin Sanetra and Robert Stępień, Partners from Littler, an AmCham member company.

Although 2026 seems to be a long perspective, it is the last moment now to plan preparations for the new responsibilities properly. Starting early enough allows businesses to make sure where they are and how they should proceed to comply with the pay equity rules, without spending a lot of money in the future. During a meeting, we have also discussed how the remuneration system can be shaped in the context of the obligation to publish information on the pay gap, what actions should be taken if gender pay inequalities are detected, and how to inform job candidates about the salary level in a given position. Some questions from the audience regarded the regionalization of wages in the context of the EU Pay Transparency Directive. However, it is a complex issue, it may have significant consequences if wage differentiation occurs in organizations controlled by the same entity.


Marcin Sanetra
Robert Stępień