The Changing Landscape of Cybersecurity – Challenges and How to Get Prepared!

Start: 2025-02-27 09:30
End: 2025-02-27 10:30
AmCham Boardroom and online
Spektrum, ul. Twarda 18, 16th floor

The cybersecurity industry is undergoing significant changes driven by technological advancements. The growing reliance on technology creates new opportunities for cybercriminals which can result in financial losses, data breaches, and reputational damage for companies.

On behalf of the AmCham Digital Committee, we invite you to a meeting entitled The Changing Landscape of Cybersecurity – Challenges and How to Get Prepared. Our speaker will be Robert Dąbrowski, Manager Systems Engineering of Fortinet, AmCham premium member company, and we will discuss:

  • What was observed in cyber threat landscape last year and what we predict for 2025?
  • What steps organizations need to take to secure their data and systems from cyber-attacks?
  • How to select security solutions and services available on the market to protect company infrastructure in compliance with standards, directives and best practices?
  • How to build awareness among employees to make sure they know how to recognize the potential cyber security attacks and prevent cybercrimes?

The meeting (in Polish) will take place on Thursday, February 27 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. We encourage you to visit the AmCham office, Spektrum, ul. Twarda 18, 16th floor (live tickets are limited to 20 people, for those registering live, we ask to click live ticket). The Webex link will be sent to all online attendants one day before the event.



Robert Dąbrowski