Sustainable development and green transformation – how companies and local government could act together for a sustainable future?

Start: 2024-02-13 10:00
End: 2024-02-13 11:30
3M Training and Innovation Center
Kowalska 143

On February 13th, 2024, AmCham Wroclaw Branch & our Sustainability Committee organised a meeting entitled “Sustainability & Green Transformation – how companies and local government could act together for a sustainable future?” at the 3M Innovation Center in Wroclaw.

The meeting was an amazing occasion to network with decision makers in Wroclaw and exchange ideas on decarbonisation. The dialogue regarding this issue is vital, especially in Wroclaw which is one of the 5 cities participating in the EU pilot program - NEEST. Katarzyna Szymczak-Pomianowska, Director of Sustainable Development Department at the Wroclaw City Hall, talked about the program and how we can achieve climate neutrality. Magdalena Okulowska, President of the Board at the Wroclaw Agglomeration Development Agency (ARAW), provided us with information on how ARAW can support companies on their business initiatives. We also discussed the climate education with Boguslawa Drelich-SkulskaUniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu, and Karolina PokorskaCoventry University Wrocław.

Thank you to the representatives of Wroclaw City Hall, ARAW, Wroclaw Universities, and U.S. companies active in the Lower Silesia Region.

Thank you also to all the participants of the meeting - your input was invaluable!