Post-Election Breakfast Extravaganza: A Celebration of Democracy!

Start: 2024-11-06 08:30
End: 2024-11-06 10:30
Warsaw Presidential Hotel
Aleje Jerozolimskie 65/79

On November 6th, 2024, in cooperation with U.S. Embassy Warsaw, we organized Post Election Breakfast at the Warsaw Presidential Hotel. It was a celebration of democracy and demonstration of unwavering U.S.-Poland partnership.

US Ambassador to Poland, Mark Brzezinski, welcomed all the guest and highlighted the importance the U.S. presidential elections holds not only for the United States but also for the world. Mr. Ambassador underlined the significance of democracy and stated that right to vote and right to be heard is its crucial component - “Every vote counts, that is the essence of democracy,” he stated. During his speech, Mr. Ambassador also brought our attention to the U.S.-Polish relationship and the role of Polish voters involved in the process of this year’s election.

After Mr. Ambassador, Tony Housh, AmCham Chairman, took the stage and stated that “We are stronger together.” As Tony said, U.S. investment and commitment to Poland grows year after year which shows how close and effective our partnership is.

Thank you to the U.S. Embassy Warsaw Team for your hard work - it was a pleasure to organise this event with you!

Thank you to TVN24, our media partner, for conducting interviews during the event and coverage of this meeting!

Thank you to Warsaw Presidential Hotel for hosting us!

And we also want to thank you - all the participants of this event. We are extremely happy that you decided to celebrate democracy with us.