Examing the “G” in ESG!

Start: 2024-06-13 09:30
End: 2024-06-13 10:30
AmCham Boardroom and online
Spektrum, ul. Twarda 18, 16th floor

On June 13, 2024, the AmCham Sustainability Committee discussed the main areas of corporate governance covered by ESG regulations and related challenges. Together with Zuzanna Machniak, an expert from PwC Polska (AmCham member company), we talked about reporting requirements related to governance aspects ( becoming increasingly important due to the legal requirements and expectations of business partners and banks regarding the financing of sustainable projects). As there is no single directive (or act or regulation) that would comprehensively regulate ESG governance obligations, the scope of legal obligations regarding sustainable governance depends on the result of the applicability of governance regulations and the company’s business approach to the ESG area. One of the challenges causing many discussions recently is the CSDDD directive adopted in 2024 which will oblige almost 200 companies in Poland to cover the company’s value chain with due diligence analysis in human rights and environmental protection. Entities must analyze ESG risks from the “upstream and downstream” stage of their value chain and develop in consultation with employees (or their representatives) a due diligence policy, which should be reviewed at least every 24 months. The process will not be easy but the main benefits of implementing ESG aspects into the company management include greater resistance to ESG risk (including legal risks), greater chance to obtain financing on favorable terms, protection from potential liability, response to potential stakeholder expectations and adaption to changing business environment and reputational risks.



Zuzanna Machniak
Łukasz Łyczko
Mariusz Wawer