- 22 listopada 2021
- Category: Bez kategorii

After almost a two years’ break resulting from the COVID 19 pandemics, on Tuesday, November 23rd, AmCham Wroclaw Branch hosted a live business lunch meeting with Michał Kobosko, Deputy Chairman of Polska 2050 Civic Association as the keynote speaker.
The meeting was also an occasion to officially meet Dominika Fox – Matulewicz, the AmCham Executive Director, who visited Wroclaw for the first time in her new role.
Organized in the beautiful interiors of The Bridge Wroclaw Hotel , the reunion was a great opportunity for our members to reconnect after a long time and discuss the current business environment, conditions for executing their operations locally and challenges facing companies as they go into 2022.
Michał Kobosko shared with our guests the details of the Polska 2050 activities and operations across Poland and plans for further development and transformation of the association into a political party which is envisaged, according to various surveys, to become a significant player on the Polish political stage. He described their main challenges, referred to the current economic and global macroeconomic situation as well as shortly introduced some business insights of the Polska 2050 program for entrepreneurs investing in Poland. As Polska 2050 have not officially announced their strategy for collaboration with business entities yet, Kobosko encouraged the guests to share their views and opinions in order to potentially implement the most valuable comments and observations into their policy.
After this promising reopening of live discussions in Wroclaw, we look forward to carry on our next events successfully in 2022.