European Economic Congress in Katowice, 7-9 May, 2024

Start: 2024-05-07 09:00
End: 2024-05-09 17:00
International Congress Centre in Katowice

AmCham Diner for over a decade has been strengthening the dialogue between the business community and the public sector through its presence.

This year AmCham was again present at the congress. Our partners included: Amazon, BAT, Citi HandlowyGoogleMeta, and PepsiCo, and our sponsors in-kind were: Pizza HutUber EatsCoca-ColaCoca Cola HBCPepsiCo, Perła Browary Lubelskie, Mars Food & Mondelēz International.

During 3 days of the congress, we hold numerous meetings at the AmCham Diner with CEOs of AmCham member companies including William Guterman, President and CEO and Florian Ladage, Head of New Markets & Commercial Project Management of Skyborn Renewables Bremen and Riccardo Procacci, CEO of Avio Aero, a GE Aerospace company.

At AmCham Diner, we provided a space to talk about the partnership between Poland and the United States, security, Poland's economic development based on competitiveness and innovation, the rule of law, support for investment development, education, and green transformation. This year's presence of AmCham Diner and American companies in Katowice is exceptional due to the new Government, which always arouses interest of investors at the global level, as well as the upcoming Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which is an excellent opportunity to talk about transatlantic relations, economic priorities and strengthening Poland's role in the international arena.

We hosted at our Diner this year members from the government including Jacek Tomczak, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology; Krzysztof Bolesta, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Climate and Environment; Magdalena Maria Sobkowiak-Czarnecka, Undersecretary of State, European Union Affairs Division; Andrzej Szejna, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Adam Nowak, Under Secretary of State at the Ministry of Agriculture; and Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Former Deputy Prime Minister. We also had a special guest – Jerzy Buzek, former Prime Minister, former President of the European Parliament, and chairman of the congress council.

On the first day of the European Economic Congress, we hold a panel discussion entitled American investment in Poland, moderated by Tony Housh. Together with our panelist - Max Mieszko Dropinski, Intel; Aleksandra Koseła, BAT; Mariusz Mielczarek, Amazon; Marcin Moczyróg, Uber; and Dagmara Piasecka Ramos, PepsiCo. We have been discussing pivotal issues concerning U.S.–Poland relations and the interest of American investors in Poland. We also touched upon the changes and trends in the global economy as an investment stimulus, and the situation in Europe as an opportunity for Polish - American cooperation in supporting and rebuilding Ukraine.

In our Diner we also had TVN24 and TVN24 BiS with their live studio conducting interviews with the business and government representatives.

This year at the Congress there was a record number of guests (17 000), there were 180 debates that included 1200 panelist.

We hope that you enjoyed the AmCham Diner at this year’s EEC as our Diner is created by the people and for the people. Thank you for visiting us and becoming a part of something bigger - without you, there would be no AmCham Diner. We look forward to seeing you in Katowice next year!