Online Dismissal – Social, Logistical, and Legal aspects – Best Practices and Challenges!

Start: 2024-05-28 09:30
End: 2024-05-28 10:30
AmCham Boardroom and online
Spektrum, ul. Twarda 18, 16th floor

Legal regulations provide for the possibility of terminating an employment contract remotely. Due to the specific nature of such a conversation, both in terms of formal, logistical and psychological requirements, such a solution entails many risks. However, in some situations, remote parting talks are necessary or justified.

On May 29,2024, the AmCham HR Committee organized a meeting entitled Online Dismissal – Social, Logistical, and Legal Aspects – Best Practices and Challenges! Our speakers were Angelika Makar, Associate at Greenberg Traurig, and Piotr Kuron, LHH consultant in complex restructuring projects, and we talked about what to consider when planning such a procedure to make sure we conduct these processes compassionately and professionally. We have discussed the risks and challenges of face-to-face and online layoffs, documents and paperwork required for legal requirements for signing the documents, and the practical aspects of inviting the employee to termination meetings. The important part of these meetings is managing emotions and making it online is even more difficult. Planning the conversation but also showing some level of empathy and being specific and upfront, seem to be indispensable for a well-conducted termination meeting. We should also not neglect support packages for terminated employees. With individually tailor-made packages, we acknowledge employee’s contributions and help them mitigate the financial impact of involuntary job loss but also we send a message to the remaining workforce that workers are valued and supported, even at the end of their employment.



Angelika Makar
Piotr Kuroń