Moved to June 6 – What Employers Need to Know about New Laws for Ukrainian Refugees on their Right to Stay and Right to Work in Poland!

Start: 2024-06-06 09:30
End: 2024-06-06 10:30
AmCham Boardroom and online
Spektrum, ul. Twarda 18, 16th floor

What do employers need to know about new laws for Ukrainian refugees on their right to stay and right to work in Poland? We discussed these issues at the AmCham HR Committee’s meeting with our expert Marcin Grzesiak, Partner Global Employer Services, Tax & Immigration from Deloitte, an AmCham member company at the AmCham HR Committee’s meeting on June 6, 2024.

With the Ukraine war entering its 3rd year, the refugees grow uncertain about their rights and future. The Polish government has addressed this by drafting a new law on long-term residency, employment rights, and other important matters, signed by President Andrzej Duda on June 10. The new law will take effect as of 1 July 2024 and among the new legal provisions for Ukrainians in Poland, the most significant is that the legality of residence of Ukrainian nationals will be extended until 30 September 2024. Moreover, from 2025, Ukrainians granted temporary protection will be entitled to apply for a temporary residence permit valid for 3 years (currently, this right is only granted to those who either work or run a business in Poland). The other change concerns financial support for providing accommodation which will only be available to those providing shelter and meals for refugees from Ukraine in the accommodation centers, operating based on contracts signed with the relevant voivodship. It means that private individuals who host Ukrainian people will no longer be entitled to get financial support from the state. In response to problems with the attendance of Ukrainian children at schools, the new law introduced the obligatory education for all children from Ukraine residing in Poland and the set the link between school attendance and the 800+ benefit (until now, these children could also study remotely in the Ukrainian education system.)

We will stay tuned for the impact of these changes at the AmCham HR Committees’ meetings in the future.


Marcin Grzesiak