New Tax Challenges for Business in Poland!

Start: 2024-04-23 09:45
End: 2024-04-23 11:00
AmCham Boardroom and online
Spektrum, ul. Twarda 18, 16th floor

On April 23, 2024, over 40 people attended the AmCham Tax & Financial Services Committee’s meeting about new tax challenges for business in Poland! Our speakers were Krzysztof Gil, Partner, and Kamil Stefaniak, Tax Manager, from Tax Advisory Deloitte, AmCham member company.

Together with our speakers, we have discussed new obligations regarding withholding tax, including payment of dividends, interest, royalties, or fees for the provision of intangible services made to the U.S. and other entities and intermediaries. Then we dived in tax of shifted profits which is the new regulation imposing 19% tax on specific flows to related entities. We concluded the meeting with discussing ATAD 2. It is the additional condition to recognize tax deductible costs in Poland, especially significant for the U.S. groups. The attendants underlined that different interpretations of tax regulations by the Ministry and tax offices (also depending on locations in Poland) are a real challenge for business in Poland. As the interpretation is not always uniform, an entrepreneur who misinterprets the tax laws or fails to meet tax obligations may face negative consequences. Thank you to our speakers and Piotr Pikuła and Adam Soska, the Co-Chairs of the Committee for moderating the discussion.


Krzysztof Gil
Kamil Stefaniak