Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

Start: 2022-09-28 09:30
End: 2022-09-28 11:00
AmCham Boardroom
Spektrum, ul. Twarda 18, 16th floor

In June 2022, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe adopted the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), introducing new reporting requirements and duties for all large companies in Poland. The main changes include, among others, a significant extension of the group of companies subject to the reporting obligation, the obligation to report under the EU reporting standards, and a mandatory audit of sustainability data.

On behalf of the AmCham Sustainability Committee, we invite you to a meeting on The New CSRD Directive – How will the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Obligations be changed? Our speakers will be Ms. Małgorzata Szewc, Senior Specialist, Department of Efficiency of Public Expenditure and Accounting, Ministry of Finance,and Dr. Aleksandra Stanek-Kowalczyk, Managing Director of SAPERE, a consulting company. The meeting will be chaired by Mr. Mariusz Wawer, Head of Governmental Relations & Sustainability at 3M East Europe and the Chair of the AmCham Sustainability Committee.

We will present changes in reporting obligations, the timetable for entry into force, and implications for AmCham members. The meeting will also provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange experiences in the field of reporting among AmCham members.

The meeting will be held in Polish and take place on Wednesday, September 28, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00a.m. We encourage you to visit the AmCham office, Spektrum Tower, ul. Twarda 18, 16th floor (live tickets are limited to 20 people, for those registering live, we ask you to click the live ticket). The Webex link will be sent out to all online attendants before the event.


Aleksandra Stanek-Kowalczyk Ph.D at SAPERE


Mariusz Wawer Governmental Relations & Sustainability/ESG Leader at 3M